Meet the Author and Book Signing
Solomon Victory Theater

6:00 pm Meet the Author Presentation | 7:00 pm Book Signing

Colors of Confinement: Rare Kodachrome Photographs of Japanese American Incarceration in World War II edited by Eric L. Muller

In 1942, Bill Manbo (1908 – 1992) and his family were forced from their Hollywood home into the War Relocation Center at Heart Mountain in Wyoming. While there, Manbo documented both the bleakness and beauty of his surroundings, using Kodachrome film, a technology then just seven years old, to capture community celebrations and to record his family’s struggle to maintain a normal life under the harsh conditions of racial imprisonment. Colors of Confinement showcases 65 stunning images from this extremely rare collection of color photographs, presented along with three interpretive essays by leading scholars and a reflective, personal essay by a former Heart Mountain internee. Eric Muller presents. For more information call 504-528-1944 x 229.

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

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